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Are you overwhelmed by the myriad of ways to connect that new device to your computer?  Are you trying to decide whether to go with USB, Firewire, Bluetooth, or one of the more traditional cables? Are you confused by the installation instruction manual.  Does the device not work the way the instruction claim?  Have you recently purchased a new application or peripheral that you can not get to work properly?  Our technicians are trained to get your add -on's to work properly and get you back to having fun with that computer.

Do you want to upgrade to a newer version of Windows? 
Do you need to connect a scanner, a camera, or install a new application?
Are you unsure if your PC is going to make it though another year and you want to give it a performance boost?

If your answer to any of these questions is yes, then Red Rocks Technology Partners can help!  We upgrade and install new hardware an application everyday.  Let us help you upgrade today.  Call now for more information, or an appointment.
